Monday, November 15, 2010

Last Supper (Tintoretto)

The Last Supper

Here we have yet another painting of The Last Supper by Jacopo Robusti or "Tintoretto". This version may not be as artistically groundbreaking as Leonardo’s work, but it does have its own special type of creativity. It shows Jesus’s head circled by a golden holy light stronger than that of the other men’s, angels flying through the sky, and an interesting use of light that draws your eyes. It does seem to have a strong impact and gives us a sense of how Tintoretto saw certain scenes from the bible.

“Last Supper, The”. Photograph. Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition. Web. 15  Nov.  2010  <>.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! That looks a lot better than the other picture by Davinci!I like this one better because it looks more real and played out like its a miracle rather than them posing for a picture. Hey and this one is not violent!! Woo getting better!
