Thursday, November 18, 2010

Why did Caravaggio kill someone? Did he try to repent?

During Caravaggios lifetime he experienced many things that others did not; he killed someone in a brawl. He killed someone because he had a bad temper and got into numerous fights.“We like to think, don’t we, that the genius is the hero; that the good guy wins. But this is Caravaggio the genius is the villan.” This quote is saying that humanity likes to believe the good guy is the best, but in Caravaggio's situation it is the opposite; when killed someone the king made an edict that Caravaggio would have a price on his head. Caravaggio ran away, and painting while escaping for his life. The guilt eventually overtook him and he painted David with the Head of Goliath, he painted himself as Goliath, i guess it was his way of repenting. Caravaggio portrayed himself as the evil villan instead of the good guy. He took all his belongings on the boat including the painting, he was going to ask for a “pardon” from the king. On his way there he was sent to jail, and by the time he bribed his way out, his boat had already left. He went after it under the hot sun and died chasing after his only hope of repenting. he was 38 years old when he died. Caravaggio was a very inspirational artist and a murderer, but he was truly just a misunderstood man who saw himself as a monster.

David with the Head of Goliath

This is Caravaggio’s self-portrait. Observe the fact that David does not feel happy for concurring his trial, but he actually looks sad.   


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